Happening this weekend:
Saturday, 9/7
Prenatal Breastfeeding Class
Theres still space!
Breastfeeding issues are time-sensitive.
Getting help at the first sign of even a small issue can keep problems from snowballing!
Providing expert and loving breastfeeding support in San Antonio since 2010.
We accept private-pay, some insurance, some HSA cards, and can provide claim forms for possible insurance reimbursement.
Learn: Why hiring a lactation consultant is worth your babies weight in liquid gold
Helpful Videos
(more coming soon!)
Thrush / Mastitis
Sore/Injured Nipples
Nipple Shield Use
(*if* you need one)
Breastfeeding Education Shortcuts:
Free Online Breastfeeding Class
Pumping Class
When to seek breastfeeding help
How to choose a doctor for your baby
Supporting Sexual Abuse Survivors:
A presentation for professionals
Since 2010, families just like yours have been leaning on the BH's expert trouble-shooting approach for important and correctable issues like:
Engorgement/Mastitis/Plus Relief
Infant Weight Issues
Milk-supply Optimization
Infant Oral Rehabilitation
(for oral -restrictions & tongue/lip-tie)
Pumping & Functional Flange-Fitting
Back-to-Work Planning
...and sooooo much more!
Since 2010, families just like yours have been leaning on the BH's expert trouble-shooting approach for important and correctable issues like:
Engorgement/Mastitis/Plus Relief
Infant Weight Issues
Milk-supply Optimization
Infant Oral Rehabilitation
(for oral -restrictions & tongue/lip-tie)
Pumping & Functional Flange-Fitting
Back-to-Work Planning
...and sooooo much more!