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Call to check services are free or charged.PRIVATE-PRACTICE LACTATION CONSULTANTS
In alphabetical order based on business name Laura María Gruber, IBCLC Serving SA & all of Surrounding Home Visits, Office Visits & Teleconferencing Hablo español (210) 209-1002 Kathy Parkes, RN, IBCLC Call to ask about areas covered Home Visits & a Videoconferencing (210) 834-5399 HOSPITAL RESOURCES STONE OAK/NORTH CENTRAL Breastfeeding Housecalls, LLC & Lactation Center-(210) 209-1002 North Central Baptist Hospital 210-297-4086 MEDICAL CENTER Baby Cafe 210-207-7138 St. Luke's Baptist Hospital 210-297-5096 The Woman's Place at Methodist Health Care System 210-575-0261 NORTHEAST Northeast Baptist Hospital 210-297-2069 The MILC Group (210) 960-MILC DOWNTOWN Christus Santa Rosa Hospital 210-704-2392 University Hospital 210-358-3897 Baptist Medical Center 210-297-9189 MILITARY SAMMC 210-916-0139 Wilford Hall 210-292-6452 NEW BRAUNFELS Christus Santa Rosa Hospital (New Braunfels) 830-643-6190 Resolute NB Lactation-(830) 500-6070 A class for moms wanting to conquer breastfeeding with their next babyBecause I know first-hand how unexpected breastfeeding outcomes can weigh on a mother's confidence, I offer a class that addresses the unique emotional needs of moms who may have had bumpy breastfeeding beginnings with previous babies.
This class can help moms to heal their #breastfeedinghearts just in time to give breastfeeding another shot, empowered with knowledge and unconditional support. If you know a mom who is expecting her next baby, and would be interested in joining us this next Saturday, March 11, from 1-3 pm, please share! |
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November 2023