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...and the perspective-offering facts that can replace them Laura M. Gruber, IBCLC #breastreadingblog By the time you arrive at this website, it's likely you've been googling up a storm, trying to learn absolutely everything you can about tongue and lip-ties (which I'll call "tongue-ties" or "ties" for the rest of this blog). You're likely that mom (or dad) who has a hundred pictures in your phone of your sweet crying baby's mouth, and you've trolled every online breastfeeding support group and forum trying to learn about how other parents fared with the whole tongue-tie issue. If this is you, consider yourself gently nudged (begged, actually) to get off of Google and reach out to me (or to any other lactation consultant experienced in tongue-tie screening). For all you know, it could be that your baby is genuinely tongue-tied, or it could be that you just needed to learn a new latching technique, or maybe you needed specific-to-you (or your wife, partner, etc.) guidance to heal a nipple or increase your milk supply. Yes, it seriously could be that easy...imagine clicking away from here, finally going to bed, and tomorrow having all of your tongue-tie questions addressed along with getting a snapshot of what your breastfeeding big-picture, and a plan to help you improve it all because you finally called an IBCLC (an International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant). But, alas, even if you *do* keep googling I want to empower you with perspective. I hope that these Five Myths about Tongue Tie help you: Tongue Tie MythsMyth #1: All pediatricians, ENTs, lactation consultants, pediatric dentists and speech pathologists know how to assess for tongue-tie
Myth #2: Fixing your breastfeeding is as easy as having your baby's tongue-tie released.
Myth #3: All babies with tongue ties need to have them released ASAP.
Myth #4: I only bottlefeed so my baby's tongue-tie doesn't matter.
Myth #5: All feeding issues in a baby are related to tongue and lip-ties.
The bottom line... If you're having feeding difficulties at all, its best to stop Googling and let your baby's doctor know immediately (espcially when a baby's weight gain is affected) AND quickly reach out to an IBCLC who can assess, improve or stabilize your breastfeeding big-picture until your baby's feeding difficulties are better understood. If you are in San Antonio and surrounding areas, know that Breastfeeding Housecalls helps families overcome breast and bottle-feeding issues. Moms and babies are objectively screened and referred to the right providers. Arriving at a mother's breastfeeding goals during times of feeding difficulties are always discussed from a 'benefits vs. risks' perspective for the three entities involved in a breastfeeding relationship: the mother, the baby, and the breastfeeding itself. Visit Breastfeeding Housecalls' Tongue-Tie Resources page for more education and San Antonio-area resources. |
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November 2023