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Rant begins.
As a lactation consultant whose business phone number comes up on Google 24/7, I would selfishly rather that you not drink, smoke or get high during the holidays...because then you call me. You see, I get calls and texts every single year the morning after Thanksgiving, on Christmas morning and on New Year's morning from moms or concerned family members. These calls wake me up, or come in as I'm sitting down with my kiddos around the tree. They come to my business phone (which is linked to my personal cell phone that never shuts off because, well, babies) from new moms (or from mother-in-laws demonizing their imbibing DILs) asking if a "a friends" baby can still breastfeed after she has had a "half a glass of wine", or after having had "just a few puffs from a cigarette", or after having "not inhaled after having just one puff". Mmmm hmmmm. Most of these are sweet yet remorseful moms (or MILs looking to get dirt on your amazing DIL) in all-out google/panic-mode, and sadly this is the one morning (ok, three mornings) per year, so you just might be one of these mamas, please (pretty please), read on... (rant over, btw) Tips for Preparing to Party
With so much love for you and your little gobbler... laura m gruber owner |
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November 2023